Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jesus is Worth It All

I made this video tonight after opening up to my boyfriend about some crazy things I experienced in India.  If you have a couple minutes, I'd like to ask you to watch it.  It was pretty emotional to make and experience.  I hope and pray that it challenges you and encourages you and motivates you.

The Gospel is beautiful.

Jesus is worth it all.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

1 Thessalonians 1:3

“constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of loveand steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father,”
I pray that the future ministry I go into will be marked with those attributes.  This morning I was reading a book and it was talking about what one thing is you want to do before you die.  Would you care to know what my one thing is?  I want to invest into a prostitute, going into the brothel she works in and flooding the place with the light of Jesus I carry within myself.  I want to pour my love and Christ’s love into this woman.  I want to pay her debt and lead her by the hand out of the doors of the brothel and into my home.  I want to wash her feet and give her the bread of the Eucharist.  I want to see her fall in love with Papa God.  
The gospel isn’t easy.  It’s simple, yes, but it is not “easy.”  The gospel takes awork of faith, much labor of love, and steadfastness of hope.  Work, labor, and steadfastness are not easy little things.  They take time, effort, prayer, and passion.  Christianity is not easy, but it is totally worth it. 
As the Lord leads my future husband and I into war-torn nations and persecuted villages and redlight districts and the realities of hell on earth, I know and trust that it will take our work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope to see victories in Christ.  I can barely wait to see the love of Christ prevail across the earth.