Monday, March 23, 2015

Week Five: Essential Oils & Herbs VS. Antidepressants

It's hard to believe it has been 5 weeks since I started using essential oils.  I had planned on making these weekly posts super informational so that I could hopefully help other people dealing with this in the future (because I personally have read a TON of blogs about people doing similar things to help me decide to do it), but my writing has been more like a personal journal..  Maybe once I finally find my happy combination of oils and herbs and feel like this journey is a success, I can write a long blog post about all the pros and cons and ups and downs and ins and outs, but for now, I hope y'all don't mind that I'm going to continue writing like a journal with some EO informational items.  We'll start with that today.

I added 4 new oils this week (just the last 3 days actually).  Bergamot, Geranium, Juniper Berry, and Balance (grounding blend).  I put Geranium and Juniper in roller bottles with fractionated coconut oil so that I can use them on my feet because I HATE the smell.  Seriously, I think geranium is repulsive.  Kevin thinks it smells fine though, so I think it might just be me.  I missed several days of vitamins this week, but the days I do take them, I think I feel a difference, so I really need to get my act together on that one... The oils are definitely helpful and I'm really thankful for them because life keeps getting more and more stressful.  Oh and I'm not having any side effects from withdrawal anymore.  Praise God!

A buyer from contacted me earlier this week about wanting to sell crafting by knight products.  CRAZY.  So we're having correspondence with them and working on setting up our first zoology event.  It's really not going to make me much money at all, but we think the exposure will be worth it.  Zulily is a very very popular site, so maybe someone will see some crafting by knight paper flowers, but not be exactly what they want, so they'll place a custom order on etsy.  Who knows, but we feel it's worth a shot. :)

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