Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Christian Elephants

In the village I stayed in, in the mountains of Orissa, over 200 Christians were killed in 2008. Hundreds of houses were burnt to the ground, five thousand people displaced. The fear has not stopped these Jesus warriors. They have 180 churches with only 30 church buildings.

I'm not really sure how to type out my thoughts from this experience.
  • I was sick the whole time. I have a nasty head cold, and if you know me well, you know how I am when I get colds.
  • I ate with my hands the entire stay. We were not given silverware. Thus I now feel that I am allowed to call myself a real Indian. (We even once ate out of a leaf bowl).
  • I hate Indian food.
  • I taught Sunday school.
  • I met Compassion kids. :)
  • I visited churches that were burnt down and broken.
  • I heard testimonies.
  • I saw hope.
  • I also saw fear [and felt fear].
  • I was given many bouquets of flowers.
  • I encountered Holy Spirit hardcore in an orphanage.
  • I saw monkeys. I was in the real jungle.
  • I made friends.
  • I received a prophetic word.
  • I saw vision.
  • I encountered scripture coming to life to me for the first time.
  • I sang songs with little girls.
  • I drank chai and ate biscuits.
  • I ate food that was prepared with un-purified well water. As in, all the food I ate was prepared with un-purified well water.
  • I was afraid.
  • I have red dots all over my body... I'm pretty sure it's bed bugs. Fun.
  • I learned how to count to five and say dog and rooster in a language called “Que.”
  • I experienced a lot of power outages.
  • I took many photos.

That's a synopsis. So why is this titled “Christian Elephants,” you might ask? Right after all the attacks and persecution, many elephants came out from the jungle and damaged a lot of Hindu's and Animist's houses in the villages. So the Christians call the elephants “Christian Elephants.” Talk about Jesus. :)

1 comment:

  1. glad to read the updates. hope all is going well and God's opening your eyes and heart wide.
