Saturday, January 31, 2015

my beautiful craft room

I'm trying to use this blog more often, so I'm transferring some of my posts from my crafting blog over to dirty, ripped dresses.

Crafting by Knight opened on the world wide web two years and three apartments ago.  I am finally in my ideal apartment and have built my dream office!  Seriously though, isn't it drool-worthy?  It's taken me a couple months to get everything exactly how I want it, but I'm totally in love.  I spend about 8 hours a day in that chair and am so thrilled for it to be complete.  Every item has a place and I have a wonderful inventory of materials and products.  

My gallery wall is my favorite part of the room.  As you can see, there are some pictures of Kevin and I, my bestie Grace, and some past bouquets.  I've printed several free printables I found on Pinterest and others that I purchased.  The "I craft therefore I have no thumbprints" is actually a cross-stitch that I did myself.  

Look for great printables herehere, and here.

I have a cute little dry erase list where I put my clients names and when their order has to be shipped by.  It's a great feeling to cross names off the list, but an even better feeling to add them! 

Michaels has really helped me get my act together when it comes to storage and organization. Pretty much all of my shelves have come from Michaels

It comes in handy to reuse wedding decorations to decorate your office when you own a wedding bouquet business.  

My cube shelving system has made my life so much better!  I now have bins for each of the weddings that I'm working on at the moment.  As you can see, I also have tons of boxes that have various purposes, such as dies, comic books, excess burlap, etc.

Right in my reach, I always keep multiple pairs of scissors, wires, hole punches, and other tools.  Hot glue sticks are hidden away in that adorable little rose tin.

Thanks for touring my office!  I hope you like it as much as I do!  :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

she reads truth

I'm extremely excited to be reading through the bible this year with thousands of women on the she reads truth app.  Yesterday I read through John 4, the story known more commonly as the "woman at the well."  I got a calligraphy set for Christmas and have been trying to learn some creative lettering.  I also just realized that I miss drawing and painting.  I decided that doodling may help me in this study of the bible this year.  Here is my first doodle inspired by Jesus telling the woman at the well that the water she draws up from the well will leave her thirsty, but the living water that He gives is "a spring of water welling up to eternal life." 

Thursday, January 1, 2015


For the last week or so, I've been working on this plan to really start blogging for Crafting by Knight.  I bought a domain/website and spent a long time making it beautiful with the plan of not only having it to help my brides figure out the flowers they want and be able to look at bouquets easier than on Etsy, but also to have a blog.  Yesterday I listened to 4 hours of podcasts about blogging, specifically blogging for makers who have etsy shops and want to get more traffic through the blog.  The podcast made it clear that you have to be passionate about what you're blogging about if you want to have a successful blog.  I'm passionate about crafting and about my bouquets, but I can't just blog about my products. And I have several tutorials of crafts that Kevin and I made for christmas that I've been dying to blog about...  But I realized the people I sell bouquets to are generally not people who want to learn DIY stuff.  And I don't want to encourage them to DIY their wedding and not buy my bouquets.  All that to say, I've decided that I'm going to hang here with dirty, ripped dresses.  My new is an amazing site and may one day have some sort of blog, but for now, I'm jumping back into this blog.  

Two-thousand and fourteen was a very odd year for us.  Kevin got promoted.  We made a move to a new city.  We got out of debt.  We went practically a year with no local friends.  I cooked a big thanksgiving dinner pretty much all by myself.  Crafting by Knight grew a significant amount more than the previous year.  We learned a lot about grace.  

I couldn't be more excited about two-thousand and fifteen.