Thursday, September 22, 2011

What is the role of a man in the fight against human trafficking?

I read this awesome blog by a radical guy named Matthew Snyder. Today he posted a blog proposing the question: What is the role of a man in the fight against human trafficking? I immediately started typing away, and before I knew it, I had typed almost two pages single spaced... So I decided instead of posting it as a comment on his blog, I would answer his question on my own blog.

I believe the only way to eradicate human trafficking is to end demand. So what is the role of the man in fighting human trafficking? Set a standard for other men, to NEVER look at porn. Start a movement of pure men who are above the sex industry. Pornography is the "gateway drug" into sex trafficking. If there there were no men willing to pay to have sex, there wouldn't be girls on the streets selling their bodies. People put blame on the girls for being whores and the pimps for being traffickers, but I think the blame needs to be shifted to the johns. Those sluts are coerced captives. Those pimps are business men who are just as screwed up as the girls. It's the johns who started innocently looking at porn while their wives were nursing the babies in the other room. Then they were hooked and it became an addiction. Shortly, the videos and pictures just weren't enough. Their wives weren't putting out enough and were just normal. They needed something more. It's the johns who need to sleep with a prostitute.

Men need to make higher standards. Men need to eradicate the pornography industry because it's a drug just as bad as cocaine. Men need to start loving their families more than themselves. Men need to stop talking to their buddies about sex and start talking about holding one another accountable to not look at porn. Every time porn is accessed it creates demand for more. That demand leads to demand for sex to be sold. That demand for selling sex leads to 11 year olds being coerced by some cool guy who is ten years older than her who actually treats her nice and tells her that he loves her. Then the next thing she knows, she's agreeing to run away from home and move to Vegas with her "boyfriend." Then he tells her they need cash to survive, so he needs her to have sex with one of his friends; that it would make him so happy. She is in love, so of course she will. Suddenly, she's 17, her name is now "Princess," she's bottom ho, and brings in $1,500 a night.

Despite all that, women also need to set a higher standard for themselves. Dressing sleazy will never be considered a good thing. Girls need to have confidence and self-worth. However a lot of that comes from having strong fathers and father-figures in their lives, something that is definitely lacking these days.  Men just need to step it up.

That answer is mainly for ending human trafficking in America, but honestly, I feel like it goes for the entire world. When I was walking through Kamathipura, one of the main redlight districts in Mumbai, this summer, I looked into the eyes of the men on the streets and experienced how they saw me as a piece of meat, nothing more. Most of the world views women as possessions. That's just the way it is. To be completely honest, it sucks. I know I'm not going to be received in much of the ministry that I want to do because I'm female. In fact, I feel like I can't actually move to India to start my life until I get married, so that when I go into a hostile village in North India, I will have a man with me to help us be received rather than immediately rejected for my sex and skin color. Personally, I need a man who is going to spend hours in prayer with me and for me every time I walk into a brothel and talk to the girls. I need a man who is so above reproach that I won't have to worry when he and I walk through the redlight districts past scantily dressed women. I pray always for my future husband that his thoughts would be so focused on heaven and things above that he can't even see the devils schemes to reel in his thought life, because his thoughts have already been purchased and they belong to Jesus Christ.

Honestly, our society needs a wake up call. Our world needs a Savior. We were put on this earth to be salt and light, and I'm afraid a lot of todays "Christians" have lost their saltiness. I pray that through groups of us "burning ones" would begin to set the world on fire with the love of Jesus. We are called to be ministers of reconciliation, so let's get to it. There is a world in need. It's time to stand up for the cause of the poor and needy. Today is the day to speak up for the voiceless.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

big news, lots of homework, and a great God

This is probably the fourth or fifth time that I've sat down and starting tapping away at a blog post... yet I haven't posted any. Why do you ask? I don't even have time to breathe. Quite literally, I probably need to be working on my breathing more because my asthma is acting up so badly, but I don't have time. It's sort of like every week is finals week; not because of the exams, but because of the amount of time I spend studying. Allow me to update you on my life.

I'm graduating a year early after all. I'm officially a senior at Liberty University. I won't be able to walk in May because I'll have two classes and my internship to complete over the summer, but I will have my bachelor's degree by August. You might ask, so Casey, after you graduate, what are your plans? Well this is my big news. Big, big, BIG news.

I planting a church with a group of incredible people in … wait for it … LAS VEGAS !

Say WHAT, Casey ?!?

Yep, in 8-9 months, I'm packing up my life and moving 2,000 miles across the country into the desert lands of Sin City. This is my first public announcement. Thus far, only close friends and family know my big plans.

Our church planting team is comprised of some of the greatest people I know. A professor of mine from freshman year, who happens to be my best friend's dad, is going to be the lead pastor. I am so blessed and excited to be serving on a team with such godly men and women. You can check out Dr. Earley's blog by clicking here. Our church is going to be called Grace City Church.

I'll let you explore Grace City Church's website, but here's a taste of our heartbeat for this church:
Grace City is a church that is committed to doing very hard things In really tough places so God gets all the glory. 
Grace City Church is a life-giving faith community devoted to Jesus through absolute obedience to everything He commanded. 
We strive to live extra-ordinary lives of prayer, discipleship, disciple-making, worship, the Word of God, evangelism, and love. 
We want to be a house of prayer for all nations that exhales disciples who will take the gospel all over the world or die trying. 
In May of 2012, we will be moving to downtown Las Vegas, Nevada a few blocks from the Las Vegas Strip and across the street from UNLV.
I'm excited and blessed and I hope you are too. This is going to be a crazy adventure I go on. I'm currently looking for a health promotion internship in Vegas for the summer and ideally I'll be able to find a real job to start in August in my field of study. I think it would be incredible to work for a health department or a non-profit, creating programs and awareness campaigns for various issues in the health field. I plan on staying in Vegas for as long as I feel the Lord leading and then move to India. Living in India is my long-term goal.

As for the present, I just got prescribed to use a nebulizer twice daily for my asthma. I had to stop doing one of the ministries that I've been involved in for the last couple years because I am so overwhelmed with school. I'm taking 18 hours and I work about 19 hours a week and I have SO MUCH homework. I adore my classes and am learning more than I have ever learned in school, but they are time consuming.

Despite the rough season of chaos that I'm dwelling in, Jesus is remaining so faithful. He has really just put the most incredible people in my life to wrap their arms around me when I fall to the ground and don't think I can make it another day. Also the Lord has truly given me the strength to walk out my saintly identity that I have found in Him. I can honestly say that I love myself and am beautiful, which is a HUGE step for me. I find myself desperately seeking time with the Lord. Jude 20-21 say: “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.” In moments of fear and defeat where my faith starts to waiver, the Lord stirs me to pray in the Holy Spirit and that is what has kept me going these last 5 weeks, since school began. I am so thankful to the Lord for His reminders and freedom and healing that He brings.

Here is a video I made testifying about the freedom Jesus has given me.

On another note, two years ago today, I received a full deliverance from the Lord and my life was turned upside-down. I praise Him for the work that He has done in me over the last two years. I'm definitely a different person and I know many people who can vouch for that. Thank You Lord.

I now need to go study, but I'm eager to hear everyone's responses to my public announcement about moving to Vegas. Looking forward to hearing from you!